
Changes for 2024

Changes for 2024

Changes for 2024: We're gearing up to make some pretty major changes as we head into 2024. Long story short, we are moving order fulfillment and shipping in-house for better...

Changes for 2024

Changes for 2024: We're gearing up to make some pretty major changes as we head into 2024. Long story short, we are moving order fulfillment and shipping in-house for better...

Outdoor Cats and What you Need to Know

Outdoor Cats and What you Need to Know

You Still Need to Feed Them Cats have a predatory instinct which helps them to hunt, and they play or practice chasing prey from kitten on.  What people don't always...

Outdoor Cats and What you Need to Know

You Still Need to Feed Them Cats have a predatory instinct which helps them to hunt, and they play or practice chasing prey from kitten on.  What people don't always...

Chinese New Year 2023

Chinese New Year 2023

Meaning Behind Yin Water Rabbit Sunday January 22, 2023 marks the Chinese New Year.  This next cycle offers us the energy of the Water Rabbit.   Symbolic associations of Water in...

Chinese New Year 2023

Meaning Behind Yin Water Rabbit Sunday January 22, 2023 marks the Chinese New Year.  This next cycle offers us the energy of the Water Rabbit.   Symbolic associations of Water in...

Winter Tips

Winter Tips

Winter in the U.S. varies as greatly as its people and landscape, but it is a season we experience in the northern hemisphere.  It's a season of less daylight, cooler...

Winter Tips

Winter in the U.S. varies as greatly as its people and landscape, but it is a season we experience in the northern hemisphere.  It's a season of less daylight, cooler...

How to Know if a Breeder is a Puppy Mill

How to Know if a Breeder is a Puppy Mill

Puppy mills are still a thing A friend of ours recently rescued a dog from a puppy mill, and I was astonished.  I thought that the puppy mill days were...

How to Know if a Breeder is a Puppy Mill

Puppy mills are still a thing A friend of ours recently rescued a dog from a puppy mill, and I was astonished.  I thought that the puppy mill days were...

Winter 2022, Cozy Time!

Winter 2022, Cozy Time!

Daisy, our sweet retired greyhound racer, just turned 12 last month! And she has been sleeping more each day, especially as the days get shorter. Thankfully, we always appreciate the...

Winter 2022, Cozy Time!

Daisy, our sweet retired greyhound racer, just turned 12 last month! And she has been sleeping more each day, especially as the days get shorter. Thankfully, we always appreciate the...